Love to become a manager within the next 8 months
Executive, Sydney - 26 Jun 2019
Always great opportunities at Meltwater for promotion and to move up in the business
Experienced, Melbourne - 25 Jun 2019
I am significantly younger than everyone else and it isn't a factor.
Experienced, Melbourne - 25 Jun 2019
I have spoken to my manager about career opportunities and he mentioned possible onboarding for gov team as they expand or becoming an account manager
Midlevel, Sydney - 24 Jun 2019
Promotions are always an opportunity at Meltwater.
Midlevel, Sydney - 24 Jun 2019
I have been lucky to consistently be promoted in my time at the company to now be leading a division of our Sydney team, but the next upward move is very clear and attainable dependent on good performance.
Midlevel, Sydney - 24 Jun 2019
There are a lot of avenues to take and new roles created as the business expands. I believe there is a lot of personal growth available.
Experienced, Sydney - 24 Jun 2019
If you put in the effort - you will be given the opportunity
Midlevel, Melbourne - 21 Jun 2019
In certain offices there are more opportunities than others. But as far as I am concerned, just like money, if you perform you will be rewarded.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 21 Jun 2019
In the 1.5 years I've been here, I've had a multitude of opportunities and am now in a higher position than when I started. You've just got to show that you're willing to work hard and you're keen to climb the ladder.
Midlevel, Sydney - 19 Jun 2019
I would like to remain within my current team, potentially into a CX or AM role. At the moment I have still been with the company for less than a year, however in the next 12 months I hope to move up the ranks after gaining as much experience in my current role as I can, and taking on board the feedback and advice of my colleagues.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 Jun 2019