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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Culture at Reece

9.6 rating for Culture, based on 16 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
Celebrates diversity, teams like to hold team activities, people are really friendly and always willing to help each other out (including inter-team)
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Oct 2023
Amazing culture - the people are so friendly, approachable and always willing to help.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Oct 2023
The culture is very good and laid back, teamwork is what makes this company and branches tick; For example, everyone at my branch always works hard and at their best abilities, we also have a good work environment and try enjoy as much time as possible as we can at work by having a laugh.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Oct 2023
Within work hours there is a lot of banter that happens, everybody is joking around with each other and makes the job more fun and enjoyable. There is a clear structure and hierarchy within Reece that everyone respects and there is a lot of teamwork and collaboration going on. In after hours most people still communicate with each other and hang out outside of working hours.
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Oct 2023
Small knit teams, with occasional after-hours socials. Quite a low amount of structure and hierarchy between team members and senior leadership.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Jun 2021
Reece's culture is great. We strive to improve the lives of our customers everyday and we do that by working together. Having huddles in the morning allow us to establish objectives and responsibilities for the day which ensures a smooth shift.
Graduate, Melbourne - 08 Jun 2021
Extremely friendly and social as everyone gets along and can go for dinner or drinks with no drama. everyone socialises equally without much of a management hierarchy as there is lots of respect and teamwork.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Jun 2021
The company's culture is great- I have felt included, especially as a female in a very male dominated industry. The manager and assistant manager are always happy to make time for me and answer any questions that I may have. The rest of the team are also happy to help me solve any problems. In terms of socialising, we catch up at least once a month outside of work which are always great fun.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Jun 2021
Culture is very positive and inclusive, managers especially are always willing to help even after hours if plausible. There is constant cooperation and teamwork, and also socializing.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Jun 2021
Culture is very strong and is a very big incentive to work at Reece. Couldn't of asked for a better team/mentors at my home branch.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Jun 2021
Culture us fantastic. Those higher in the hierarchy are easy to talk to. Very comfortable environment.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Jun 2021
Teamwork and a transparent culture perfectly describes Reece Group as a company. There are no hierarchy in terms of executives and all senior leaders happily interact with any branch team member and be available for them when needed.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Jun 2021
Reece is a very flat organisation in the sense that titles are respected, but everyone is accessible. Senior executives don't deem themselves to be more important than drivers for example. In office this is reflected in the interactions and transparency between staff and managers. High level of enjoyment and teamwork makes it a pleasure to come into work, and it's not uncommon for staff to organise to socialise outside of work.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Jun 2021