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Holmesglen Institute Career Portal Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Mickie Tanna

A typical lesson involves a balance of tasks that are teacher-directed (e.g. examples on the board, discussing a new concept with the whole class) and student-directed (e.g. independent practice or collaborative work in their table groups).
  • Day in the life

Mikayla Calder

Mikayla Calder studied a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and is a finance graduate at Coles.
  • Graduate stories
Good things don’t come easy. If you want to become successful and live a good life then you need to work hard for it and be devoted.

Mikayla Cox

  • Graduate stories
I chose to work at DCCEEW because it is a place where I can work on a variety of projects and policies that can make a difference.

Mikayla Rodger

  • Day in the life

Mikaylie Page

I am doing my first rotation in the Land, Environment and Planning team, so we mostly focus on environmental approvals for large infrastructure projects.
  • Day in the life

Mike O’Donoghue

Mike O’Donoghue graduated with ​a ​Bachelor of Commerce ​from Monash University in 2016 and is now an Assistant Brand Manager at Asahi Beverages.
  • Graduate stories
The best thing about my job is that I know I am working for the greater good. We play such an important role in the lives of patients and it is my motivation each day.


  • Graduate stories
Sometimes I’ll fail, but by refining my work, I’m able to succeed in ideas that I thought were otherwise impossible. Better yet, after learning skills in the office, I’m able to apply them to my studies.

Mikhil Deoji