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Holmesglen Institute Career Portal Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
In my first 2 months I had the opportunity to be a part of a social incubator program tackling issues of social inequity, in particular homelessness.

Miki Takashiba

  • Graduate stories
The team ensures that as a Graduate you are paired with a junior or senior lawyer, and you’re exposed to a wide range of different legal issues that you may not have come across working at a corporate firm.

Milan Sharma

  • Graduate stories
Having great management, organizational, and communicative skills is helpful for this role but the main thing someone would need when wanting to work in this role is the willingness to learn.

Milan Siluuga

  • Day in the life

Milena Mitic

I've received the updates and instructions I requested from a large client in the real estate investment trust industry for a bundle of leases I am managing and overseeing the execution and registration of across multiple Australian jurisdictions.
  • Day in the life

Miles Davis

Grunt work begins. Where I have to plan for the day ahead and complete actions that are outstanding. This is typically one of my most productive times of the day, so I ensure that I complete critical tasks during this period whether that’s associated to the direct works of the day, such as providing critical technical information to client and supervisors, procuring urgent items and liaising with stakeholders to ensure everything is in place to ensure works can continue without delay.
  • Graduate stories
The best thing about my job is the variety of work – even if it is the same task you’ve done 100 times, you always have to adapt it to the current client/project and therefore always critically think.

Mimi Green

  • Day in the life


Minal studied a Bachelor of Engineering, Hons. (Mechatronics) at the University of New South Wales and is now a Graduate Engineer at the Department of Defence.
  • Graduate stories
It's rewarding to see my contributions lead to tangible improvements in our financial management and departmental success.

Mingxiao Zhao