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Holmesglen Institute Career Portal Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
My experience has been exciting and full of learnings where Genpact has played a vital role which enlightened my key learnings and made me valuable.

Sahil Arora

  • Graduate stories
I love that I really feel like I am contributing and making an impact to improve the lives of Australians.

Sai Lyons

  • Graduate stories
Have defined goals but be prepared to adjust them to achieve success.

Sakilan Gopalarajah

  • Day in the life

Sakura Mukhopadhyay

Since finishing university in mechatronic engineering, I have been working full-time at Arcadis as an overhead wiring graduate engineer in the rail team. I started working at Arcadis as an undergraduate at the end of my second year of university, loving the vast variety of projects with a supportive work environment.
  • Graduate stories
If you are passionate and have the drive to learn you will find invitations to other construction sites, and contractor facilities will readily flow your way.

Sam Fitzherbert

  • Graduate stories
It was very eye opening to see what goes on behind the scenes to get product to customers, especially on the scale that The Warehouse Group operates at!

Sam Hadley

  • Graduate stories
I always get excited at the opportunity to learn something new and have been working on developing my skills over a variety of programs. I also love that this job provides the opportunity to do fieldwork. I have been on several site visits, walking along rivers, sampling water at wetlands, and canoeing or boating down rivers looking at bank erosion and structural damage. The field assessments are always so exciting, and it is great to get out of the office every once in a while. I also love the community culture at Alluvium. Everyone here knows each other and gets along well. We often engage in out-of-work activities such as trivia nights, swimming, or tennis. I always feel welcomed and supported here.

Sam Haglund

  • Day in the life

Sam Haglund

The people in the office love coffee and often go to a nearby cafe together. I often get a vegemite pastry when we go. Group meeting to discuss any key updates or things to be aware of. It is also a time to learn something interesting, with another team member presenting something they’ve been working on. The responsibility of running the meeting cycles around weekly is a good way for me to practice my communication skills.