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Holmesglen Institute Career Portal Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Inevitably you can find yourself doing tasks that may not seem earth-shattering when you're doing them. However, being able to enjoy work by making strong relationships with my colleagues has made every second worthwhile.

James Hill

  • Day in the life

James Hill

As a member of the Thomson Geer social club, I find time to help out plan events and organise the events on the day.
  • Graduate stories
Being in an environment where we are encouraged to reach out to share ideas and thoughts is awesome.

James Lam

  • Graduate stories
Find a hobby or passion so you can enjoy it during your free time as a student and as a full-time employee

James Lau

  • Graduate stories
My current rotation has me developing and implementing the technical maintenance plan for two fleets, taking it them from development through to delivery.

James Mansell

  • Graduate stories
While the partner is ultimately responsible for the transaction, the senior associate is the lawyer running the transaction from start to finish.

James McNaught

  • Graduate stories
A legal background is not a prerequisite for a policy role. A propensity for analysis and an ability to be thorough and harness productive working relationships is key.

James Nunan

  • Day in the life

James Samson

Every year, each clerkship cohort participates in the tendering project, where they pitch the firm to a prospective client – it really gets your competitive side going as you want your team to be the one to land the client!