Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders at GSK
At GSK, creating an inclusive organisation that respects and promotes the diversity of their employees and the communities it serves is a key focus.
GSK’s commitment to social responsibility, globally and in the Australian community, is embedded into the way they do business, and GSK is proud to have built their Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) into their ways of working.
- GSK’s 2018–2020 Innovate RAP is their second RAP and builds upon the success of their first RAP, which was put in place from 2012–2014.
- To demonstrate that they're not just talking the talk but actually walking the walk, GSK has released a Progress Summary Report. This document provides details of the actions taken towards their Reconciliation Action Plan deliverables in the first half of 2019.
- GSK celebrates and participates in National Reconciliation Week (NRW) by providing opportunities to build and maintain relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians. In 2019, this involved a cultural awareness training workshop hosted by their corporate charity partner, Save the Children; a tour of a site of cultural significance for the local Aboriginal tribe (Dight’s Falls) guided by a Wurundjeri Elder; site-wide Mirri Mirri team building and more.
- GSK provides opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to engage with cultures and communities by celebrating NAIDOC Week. In 2019, this involved: an exhibition and talk with prominent indigenous photographer and cultural advisor, Professor Wayne Quilliam; volunteering at a local NGO; picking and packing aid packages to be delivered to rural Indigenous communities and more.
- GSK strives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity within their organisation, having preferred Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses that can be engaged to procure goods and services including Pawa Catering, Nallawilli Office Wares, Outback Coffee, Dreamtime Creative, Tjindgarmi Office wares and Wurundjeri Tribe Council.
- GSK’s Consumer Healthcare business has developed a plan to help close the gap in oral health by providing product donations and volunteering time to execute oral health initiatives in NSW.
- In 2019, over 50 GSK employees, along with their friends and family, participated in the 39th annual de Castella Run. This event supports fundraising for the Indigenous Marathon Foundation, a health promotion charity.
- GSK engages its employees in understanding the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols, such as Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country, to ensure there is shared meaning.
- In collaboration with the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM), the ViiV team provided important HIV and sexual health education for nurses through the ‘Fundamentals of HIV and Sexual Health for primary healthcare nurses’ workshop.