Updating Results

Beon, CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

LGBTQ+ at Beon, CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy

Our people at Beon, CitiPower,  Powercor and United Energy have diverse backgrounds, cultures, religions, LGBTQIA+ identities, ages and education levels.

Building an inclusive working environment ensures everyone is valued and trusted and feels safe to be their whole authentic self.

Our LGBTQIA+ Pride Network “Sparkle” is a support network for LGBTQIA+ individuals, parents and allies of the community to raise awareness about the challenges and experiences LGBTQIA+ people face and build on our inclusive culture where we are all heard, respected and valued. 

Sparkle marks events significant to LGBTQIA+ people, such as Wear it Purple Day, IDAHOBIT and Pride; promotes the use of inclusive language in the workplace; and runs networking events to help establish a sense of community.

Anyone can join and become involved in the various initiatives and events organised and shared.